Science Plan
URC2024 will require a formal Science Plan in addition to a Chemical Safety Plan. Both are due May 17, 2024
Science Plan
Teams shall submit a Science Plan prior to the URC2024 field competition. Science Plan documents must be submitted no later than 11:59pm Mountain Daylight Time (MDT; UTC-6) on May 17, 2024. Science plans will be submitted via this Google Form.
Format and Submission Details
Science Plans are limited to a total of 5 pages (not including cover page, references, and chemical safety plan status question). Pages should be in letterpaper size (8.5 in. x 11 in.), with margins no smaller than 1 in. (2.5 cm), text in Calibri 11 point font (or similarly sized font), and single spaced. Electronic submissions are required in *.pdf file format.
References shall be cited on the pertinent page where appropriate. All content (including, but not limited to, text, images, figures) not created by the submitting team must be credited or cited appropriately. Plagiarism concerns are taken very seriously, and are grounds for disqualification. The reference list does NOT count within the page limit.
Science Plan Content
Cover Page: (Limit 1 page) The cover page shall identify the team name, point of contact, science sub-team members, and an organizational chart showing how the science sub-team interacts with the full team.
The Cover Page must also answer the following:
What is the current status of your Chemical Safety Plan? (Use the following options for your answer)
We submitted the Chemical Safety Plan on [Insert Date], and [choose the appropriate option]
Have not yet received feedback.
Have received feedback requiring updates, and are working on the revisions.
Have submitted requested revisions on [Insert Date] and are waiting on final approval.
Have received final approval.
We have not submitted a Chemical Safety Plan. (If you select this option, please provide your justification.)
Basic Knowledge About Mars: (Limit 1 page) For example: geology, regolith chemistry & pH, chemical composition, surface radiation flux and temperatures, why the surface is red, etc.
Background Research: (Limit 1 page) What background work the team has done to generate their knowledge for the science task (articles read, experiments performed, collaborations established and experts consulted).
Science Payload: (Limit 2 pages) Description of the instruments, and methods, the team has chosen for “on board” rover experimentation at the site. Justification of the methods and the instrumentation should be included.
Answer ONE of the following questions, based on your science knowledge of astrobiology and Mars. (Limit 1 page) Your team can choose any of the questions from the list below. Answering more than one does not gain you any extra points. Judges will ask you one of these or a similar question in the field science briefing during the Science Mission. So, have a brief answer for each of these prepared for competition, but only include an answer to one of the questions in the written Science Plan.
Why was Jezero Crater selected as the Mars2020 (Perseverance) landing site?
What significance did the Phoenix Lander have on the Viking Lander(s) results?
Which instruments or methods would the team choose for an ideal life-detection suite for Mars and which place on Mars would you want to land? (Given no limitation in funding, landing sites, or data rate back to Earth).
What are the known survival limits for halophiles?
Name one-way meteorites influence the field of astrobiology?
What is the difference in habitability investigations and life detection investigations?
Provide an example of each and describe the difference between extant and extinct life?
How many planets / planetary bodies are known to have life?
Has life been found on Mars?
Chemical Safety Plan
Submission Instructions
Team must submit their Chemical Safety Plan by email to The subject line of the email must include the Team Name. URC Staff will advise teams if there are any issues that require resolution. Teams will be notified once their plans have been approved.
Submit Early!
Chemicals are only permitted for use if the submitted plan has been approved in advance by judges. Teams should submit their plans as soon as possible to allow time to adjust plans based on feedback from judges. The latest date that plans may be submitted is May 17, 2024.
Requirements for Consideration of Chemical Use at URC
Teams are required to track chemical use "cradle to grave," meaning from the time it is purchased until the time it is properly/safely disposed. The University Rover Challenge Finals take place at a remote field site, and safety response measures are not provided. The University Rover Challenge and the Mars Society are not responsible for the chemical, or its transportation/storage/use/disposal. In addition, this site is an active research area, and any chemical spills could result in contaminated research.
All teams must submit a URC2024 Chemical Safety Plan for approval. Approval of a chemical for one team does not imply approval of a chemical for all teams - this is because we aren't just approving chemicals, we're approving their use and safety plan!
Required Information
Part One
Team Chemical Safety Officer
Teams must identify one student team member who is traveling to the URC Finals and will serve as the team's Chemical Safety Officer. Team may identify 2 additional student team members to serve as Alternate Chemical Safety Officers. These individuals will serve as the team's official representative for all matters pertaining to chemical safety and must be present throughout the team’s participation during the science task.
Part Two
The follow information should be in a clearly defined order for each chemical you are bringing to the URC:
Chemical Name (if mixed, list all chemicals)
Important Note: For chemicals that are to be dissolved in a liquid (e.g. Ninhydrin), teams should strongly consider transporting that chemical in a dissolved solution or justify why it is appropriate not to do so. Any solution must also identify the solvent!Amount Needed
Important Note: Teams are limited to only the amount needed on-board their rover during the Science Mission. Teams must identify a) the amount needed per sample/reaction; b) the number of samples/reactions able to be supported on-board the rover in a single mission.Storage Details
Important Note: Specify the type and size of container(s) to be used for both the original chemical and any waste/reaction byproducts. Teams must also identify the secondary container(s) being used, to include identifying which chemicals will be comingled. (An inexpensive Styrofoam container is an excellent secondary container in many cases!) Additionally teams are required to label all containers appropriately (please confirm that your team will do this when submitting your Chemical Safety Plan).Use/Justification for Use of Chemical (not just what you are using it for but why)
Disposal Plan
Important Note: This has typically been the weakest area of understanding by teams. Teams need to specify the precise (and legally approved) method of disposal, to include identifying the disposal facility. Disposal facilities may only be the team's home university or a commercial facility. Requesting the assistance of another university is not acceptable. Waste containers should be appropriately sized (don't undersize, don't oversize!). Disposal plans should also address mixed waste (especially for teams proposing to use multiple chemicals!). Be sure to include how you will be traveling, and how you plan to safely transport your chemicals.Acknowledgement that you will include with this plan, and carry with you on site, the Material Safety and Data Sheet (MSDS) for each of the above listed chemicals.
Prohibited Chemicals
Any chemical containing mercury is strictly prohibited.
Chemical Check-In at URC Finals
During team check-in on May 29, each team's Chemical Safety Officer will meet with URC Officials to verify that the chemicals transported to URC match the approved Chemical Safety Plan. On the day that your team competes in the Science Mission, the Chemical Safety Officer will conduct a check-in inspection prior to competing in the Science Mission, and a check-out inspection immediately following the mission.
Additional Guidance
Especially for teams who plan to order chemicals for pick-up in the United States, do not over-purchase! You should only purchase the smallest amount required for use on-board your rover.
Check with your school's hazardous waste manager for more information and training.