URC2023 Extreme Delivery Mission

Note that these are the rules for URC2023, and do not apply to any other year.

Your rover is part of an EVA team on Mars.  You are tasked with assisting three astronauts as they conduct a series of geologic tasks on the surface.

One astronaut is tasked with searching for biosignatures in a grided area of interest nearest you.  Two astronauts further away are setting up a monitoring station for dust measurements. 

Your job is to search an area close to you for a rock of significant interest to the mission, and if you locate it, deliver it to Astronaut #1, who is searching the area with you.

You begin your task by leaving the station (1) and along the way, you may investigate the possibility that the crew of a previous mission has placed in a cache (2) preliminary information about the location of the significant rock you need to retrieve. 

Or you may simply go directly to search for the rock in the grid surrounding a geological formation that has been identified as a site of interest (3). 

Complete this part of the mission by delivering the correct sample to Astronaut #1 (4).

Once you have been cleared for Stage 2, your mission shifts from the scientific work to being a general field assistant for the working astronauts. You are tasked with traveling to Astronaut #2 (5).  Once there, the astronaut asks you to retrieve a component from the resource area (6) and deliver it to Astronaut #3 so that the monitoring station will be finished (7).